Gabriele 83 Guesthouse a Torino +39 011 5798760 - +39 3914512012 (9:00 - 19:00)

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Light Italian Dinner

By popular demand of our guests we offer a simple and tasty menu for everyone. A menu dedicated to all those who want to eat well, but do not want to “die” eating! 🙂

Basically tasty and simple dishes in a cheap menu.

The proposed menu is:
– Spaghetti with pesto (strictly homemade)
– Grilled Beefsteak with salad or baked potatoes
– Fruit salad or fresh fruit
– Water

The cost of dinner is 20 euro per person, min. 4 people.

In order to organize this meal we need to know with some time in advance your interest for giving us time to shop and cook during the day.