Gabriele 83 Guesthouse a Torino +39 011 5798760 - +39 3914512012 (9:00 - 19:00)

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One Year of BnB 83, Thanks Everybody!

It’s now been over a year since we took over this Bed & Breakfast at Crocetta Area in Turin and today I can tell the jobs in these first months of activity.

I admit that I initially doubted the actual potential of this place, the first months as all the new activities were “embarrassing”, and I wondered if it was worth to spend a lot of money for a place that trudged.

Then with a lot of work, dedication and above all “presence” the place began to continuously fill up giving me the opportunity to improve certain aspects of the place.

Now, looking back, I can calmly say that it was a winning choice and indeed in many months I met many beautiful people who even if they stayed for one night stopped to have a chat with me to tell their stories and their experiences.

People came from all over the world, the farthest I think were “colleagues” who own a B&B in New Zealand, exquisite people like the Italian Canadians who stayed for several days and obviously many others.

Of course not everything is beautiful and fantastic, even I have received my negative reviews, the place is beautiful, very nice, but not everyone likes it. Many expect to find a 5 * hotel, with services of that category, but in the end the BnB 83 still remains a Guesthouse.

Sometimes I got angry at obviously foolish reviews like the one who complained about the lack of the pool, or those that give me rate 4.5 out of 10, because I did not agree to let them enter at 0:00 after they had gone to celebrate, but at the end criticisms and complaints are also good for trying to improve and move forward.

The greatest satisfaction is seeing people returning even after months because this means that the work done is done well and above all with passion.

I thank all those who have chosen to come to me in these months, it is only thanks to them that the BnB 83 exists and goes on!
