Gabriele 83 Guesthouse a Torino +39 011 5798760 - +39 3914512012 (9:00 - 19:00)

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Piola 1929, great place!

A place that at least I did not expect, the Piola 1929 is located in a fairly modern residential district of Turin and I certainly did not expect such a nice, typical, warm and welcoming environment.

We were there for the “Bollito” evening (boiled meat) and I guarantee everyone that it was a great culinary experience. The food was fantastic, cooked very well and I must say very well calibrated in the flavors (it seems more like a post from Tripadvisor than a post on the BNB 83 ahhaha), abundant quantities and extremely helpful staff.

I would go back there for eating again at the piola just to try the other dishes on the daily menu.

Ok is not very close to the BnB 83, but in my opinion if you spend a few days in Turin and you have freedom of movement, it is really worth to reach up to Corso Umbria and try this restaurant.

Apart from that, I would just congratulate with the restaurant, the food and the staff.

Why come to Turin?

A good question! Leaving here for a few years now and doing this job, I realize that often Turin is still unknown to manies and certainly behind other Italian cities with much more famous names such as Rome, Venice, Florence, Naples and others (not to mention also of Milan that we have near here).

The best thing however is that most of my guests are enraptured by the beauty of Turin and all that it offers, confessing me at the end of the stay that they did not imagine a city like that.

Turin is not only the Egyptian Museum or the Museum of Cinema, which among other things are very central and easily reachable by foot also from the BnB 83. Turin is also a lot of history, a city with beautiful and well-kept buildings, squares called “Italy’s Living Room”, a center almost all pedestrian (and in fact the car here is totally useless unless you have to go outside Turin).

There is the Reggia of Venaria, the Hunting Palace of Stupinigi, the Royal Pole in Piazza Castello, Superga Basilica and much more.

Nietzsche himself defined Turin as “A place that you cannot abandon” and me, despite many things that have happened in my life here, I have not managed to leave or to “abandon it”.

It is a city with many faces, a city full of positive and negative energy, so it is said, a city that once you visit remains in your heart and if you stayed for only one night you want to come back to discover even more.

Last I tell a small anecdote happened here at BnB 83 about the Automobile Museum which unfortunately is not really in the central area, but easily reached by metro in 10 minutes.

Ladies often do not like the idea of ​​visiting that museum, they think it more like “men’s”. Once came here a couple where the man absolutely wanted to go and see it, while the partner did not really think about it, telling me that she had come to Turin almost exclusively for the Egyptian Museum. Staying here for 5 days and having visited a lot after 3 days, she asked me what else they could visit. I told her about the Automobile Museum, but she replied that she did not really think about it. I told her: “Let’s bet! You go, if you do not like, I’ll refund your ticket! “

They went and the next day she told me textual words: “Look Gabriele, the Egyptian Museum is beautiful, the Automobile Museum is fantastic!”.

I told you this to recommend you to include in your program not only the classic Cinema and Egyptian Museums or the visit of the Royal Palace, but you should also include the Automobile Museum, whether you are men or women, adults or children, you will not regret those two hours of visit.

Finally, at sunset, plan a walk to Monte dei Cappuccini where the photo of this post was taken, in good weather and at dusk you have a breathtaking view!

Having said all these: why not come to Turin and come to visit me at BnB 83?

Happy 2019 from BnB 83!

Another year is about to end, a year in some ways bitter, but for others full of satisfactions and beautiful encounters with new people at BnB 83.

We thank all those who in 2018 have chosen to stay at our facility and especially all those who returned to visit us.

We also thank all those who have left us positive comments that have allowed us to work continuously and we also thank those who have left us negative comments that have pushed us to improve.

We wish everyone a fantastic 2019 with the hope of knowing you or see you again soon!

Happy 2019 from the BnB 83 in Turin!

One Year of BnB 83, Thanks Everybody!

It’s now been over a year since we took over this Bed & Breakfast at Crocetta Area in Turin and today I can tell the jobs in these first months of activity.

I admit that I initially doubted the actual potential of this place, the first months as all the new activities were “embarrassing”, and I wondered if it was worth to spend a lot of money for a place that trudged.

Then with a lot of work, dedication and above all “presence” the place began to continuously fill up giving me the opportunity to improve certain aspects of the place.

Now, looking back, I can calmly say that it was a winning choice and indeed in many months I met many beautiful people who even if they stayed for one night stopped to have a chat with me to tell their stories and their experiences.

People came from all over the world, the farthest I think were “colleagues” who own a B&B in New Zealand, exquisite people like the Italian Canadians who stayed for several days and obviously many others.

Of course not everything is beautiful and fantastic, even I have received my negative reviews, the place is beautiful, very nice, but not everyone likes it. Many expect to find a 5 * hotel, with services of that category, but in the end the BnB 83 still remains a Guesthouse.

Sometimes I got angry at obviously foolish reviews like the one who complained about the lack of the pool, or those that give me rate 4.5 out of 10, because I did not agree to let them enter at 0:00 after they had gone to celebrate, but at the end criticisms and complaints are also good for trying to improve and move forward.

The greatest satisfaction is seeing people returning even after months because this means that the work done is done well and above all with passion.

I thank all those who have chosen to come to me in these months, it is only thanks to them that the BnB 83 exists and goes on!


New Season New Menus at BnB 83!

With the beginning of the “new season” we have prepared the new menus that will complement the existing ones of the Roman and Piedmontese dinners, highly appreciated by our customers.

We offer a “light” menu, an economic one, which includes a first course, a second course and a side dish with seasonal fruit and a more substantial and even tastier menu fish based.

The latter includes a very particular and refined menu with a venus rice cake with calamari, fresh prawns and crispy salmon, Sardinian fregola with clams, orange prawns and lemon panna cotta. All accompanied by a bottle of Sardinian wine.

The “popular” menu includes a first course with spaghetti with homemade pesto, grilled steak with salad or baked potatoes and fruit salad or seasonal fruit. Wine apart.

From October our dinners will start again, we are waiting for you!